Saturday special!
So our blog marathon begins! First one for me! As I have just started writing. (I know I am sounding like a L. KG kid, but still... it has an implicit meaning: P) So many thoughts and memories pile up. But i hardly make it a point to note them, always giving yet another chance to my memory to memorize things with every passing day and to remember them like forever! But it is too much to expect from my memory, isn't it? Instead what if I actually take some time out to pen down, how my day was! To retrospect it and myself!
But when i start writing, i have so many jigsaw puzzled thoughts in my mind that the next question which arise is: WHAT DO I ACTUALLY WRITE? How do I sequence my thoughts into meaningful set of expressions, which then form logical sentences? Too complicated a job, nah? Being a libran, I royally over think. I think, I think and I keep thinking... Then for a person like this, it shouldn't be actually difficult to write what she thinks! But still it is difficult! Amused? Why? Question mark, ah? That's because... I think:
1. What to write?
2. for whom to write?
3. Which language to express it in?
4. Whom to address?
5. What would others think?
6. What would be their reaction?
7. Why would someone at the first place take time out to read, what is happening with me throughout the day!
And if I happen to clear this step of "self- question- answer series" (or in Marathi as we call it as "SWAGAT") with flying colors, I take up a notepad and pen down my chain of thoughts or
So to say my story in that notepad! But then just another question arises: would my story be interesting and at first place, where would I have this story from!
The answer to this question is also, to my surprise, very much ready:
"People Often Ask Me How It Is That So Many Interesting Things Happen Only To Me. To Them I Reply That In Life S Journey We All Meet Strange People And Undergo Many Experiences That Touch Us And Sometimes Even Change Us. If You Have A Sensitive Mind And Record Your Observations Regularly, You Will See Your Life Too Is A Vast Storehouse Of Stories."
This is what one of my favorite authors: Sudha Murthy writes in her book 'The old man and his God'

Simple, yet charming language! A must read!

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